Radio Surveys
Radio Surveys
Are statutory Surveys carried out as per IMO and/or Flag requirements either via Class or directly under the authority of the Flag State.
Since August 2000 NavCom has built up a sound database incorporating a variety of categories of vessels with matching Rules and Requirements.
NavCom can therefore act as a “Centre Of Knowledge” to all parties in the Market.
These compulsory surveys on behalf of the Flag State according to SOLAS 1974 and amendments are carried out by NavCom for a.o.:

Lloyd's Register

Det Norske Veritas

American Bureau of Shipping

Bureau Veritas

Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate

Registro Italiano Navale (RINA)

Nippon Kaiji Kyokai

Cayman Islands Shipping Registry


Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie

Polski Rejestr Statków

Maritime and Coastguard Agency

Cook Islands